My family includes my mother : Ambuj Bala Ghosh ,my wife:Neelam,my son Saurav,Priyanka:my daughter in law,my daughter:Anuja,my
son in law:Utpal and Grand Son:Arnav.
My wife: Neelam
My wife : Neelam Ghosh

Saurav and Priyanka
My Son : Saurav
Happy Times
Neelam and I
I got married in 1975
My mother : Mrs.Ambuj Bala Ghosh |
My daughter : Anuja Das with Utpal and Arnav

Saurav Ghosh : My Son |
Department of Environment and Water Management,A.N.College,
Patna-800 013,India
Grade "A" College ( Accredited by NAAC )
CPE Status by UGC,New Delhi